Thursday, January 05, 2006

I've got Cash

I am really not doing well with my new year commitments, and I kinda feel bad about it. I am going to redeem myself by working out this afternoon, catching up my my inspirational reading/journaling and hoping to get us a schedule organized for our reading group.*

However, I am not having much trouble keeping up with one of my "resolutions".

Which one, you ask, riveted the computer screne in anticipation. . . . Well, you may recall I resolved to listen to a different CD on my way to work each day.

The catalyst for this decision was that over our vacation, I took a gander (yes, a gander) at our collection of nearly 1,500 CDs and thought, "What a waste!" Each morning I listen to NPR, which I love, or I put in whatever CD I seem to have in the car. I have listened to some of them repeatedly for months. I kinda felt like I was missing out and how many times can you hear "Long December" before wanting to crash your car into a guardrail.

Each morning I walk to the enormous bookcase that shelves our collection and just gaze randomly and pick something quickly. I know if I put too much thought into it I will end up listening to the CDs I know by heart, you know my "comfort" music and that's not the point of this little exercise.

Yesterday I popped in Dido's "No Angel", an album that I bought ages ago, but never listened to completely, choosing to just flip to songs I recognized instead. This new resolution, however, forces me to listen to some stuff I might otherwise skip over. It was refreshing and I found myself enjoying the entire album (yes, I still say "album") instead of just the two songs I heard on the radio. When my collection was small enough to transport with me in the car, I used to listen to entire CDs and enjoyed the music as compilation or collection. I had no choice, but it was kinda cool.

So, today I went in another direction and pulled out my Johnny Cash's greatest hits CD. I remember buying it in a bargain bin years ago. I never really listened to it a lot, just pulled songs from it for my annual birthday CD. However, today as I started the car I knew I was headed to "Jackson". Before I knew it I was "understanding my man" and "wondering if if the "one in the back was a Methodist." (Sorry for the somewhat obscure lyric references, but that's what you get when you listen to the ENTIRE CD, not just "Ring of Fire", you get the cool stuff you may have otherwise missed.)

What will tomorrow hold? Who knows? I may crack open the B-52's "Good Stuff" or maybe even take a trip waaaaaay back and listen to "ABBA", nothing is holding me back, right?

*I could use some help on this, so if any of you are game, let me know.

I am making progress on the Voodoo mittens. Just a quick shot of the inside of the first one. I don't know if that qualifies as progress, but let's leave it at that.


Joy said...

After watching Walk The Line I was going to buy a Johnny Cash CD. I haven't yet though.

As for tomorrow's listening delight, I vote ABBA. Nothing better to get you going than Dancing Queen!

musicgeek said...

What kind of yarn are you using? It's beautiful! I'd like to give those a go, but don't know if I could figure out how to do the thumbhhole.

My vote is for the B-52's, mainly because I used to have a big white car "that seats about 20". It was known as the "land yacht".

emily said...

Go on to Jackson, Go Comb Your Hair!

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I am using a Plymouth yarn and I suspect it may be what Jennifer used for her scarf, but I am not certain. I spied it and thought it would be perfect.

I think the thumbhole shouldn't be too bad, but the first few rows on double pointed needles aren't much fun. Made me miss my circulars ever so much.

I so love "Jackson", makes me wish I listened to that long ago.

Tin roof rusted!

Anonymous said...

When we get together next, I'll show you how to use circulars instead of dpns. Circulars are the best. (letting my personal bias shine, shine, shine)

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Remember I am from the cult of Kristi, you lead and I will follow.