Sunday, October 21, 2007

Socktoberfest. . . Autumnal Colors

I have a new rotation schedule for my sock knitting. This "scheduling" feeds my OCD and spurs my knitting mojo. Killing two birds with one stone. So, here's the schedule: a simple knit pair of socks is followed by a more complex patterned pair. This little arrangement provides a challenge (patterned socks) and the stockinette pair give me a little mindless knitting.

So, I followed up my Uptown Boot Socks with a simple pair in autumnal colors. I finished one on the first day of our trek; and the second on the last day.

I named these after a song that Cynical sang during our return trip.

Rain King Socks
Pattern from: Standard 72 stitch cast-on socks
Yarn: Trekking 161
Needles: Size 1 Addis (Magic Loop Method)
Completed: October 13 and October 21, 2007


madretz said...

they are so pretty Ragged! You must post these at Nudge Nudge - I'm trying to round up more autumn creativity there!

Art the Omnipotent said...

who doesn't love a good pair of socks especially when they celebrate The Counting Crows. lovely.