Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Cats and chairs, cats in chairs

I bought this chair, fringe and all, recently at a community yard/garage/rummage/tag sale. I'm afraid that the cats and I like it, but Cynical seems to be thrown by the fringe, suggesting we "shorten it", "cut it off" or remove it all together. He's begun describing it as the snooty grandmother chair. We call it luscious.

It's a democracy here and since I have the majority on my side, the fringe stays.

Izzie stakes her short-lived claim to the snooty grandmother chair.


Brena said...

I say never try to separate a cat from a chair... it can lead to bad things!!!! I took away Percy's chair once and paid the consequences.

Art the Omnipotent said...

I like this chair. I would be a travesty to remove the lovely fringe. Hey, everyone needs a snooty grandmother chair anyway.