I've decided to brave the trip to Nashville despite my aching back. I have borrowed the mantra of a little boy I used to babysit: "I'm a big brave girl (in my case). I'm a big brave girl." He'd say this repeatedly whenever we were about to try something that scared him; riding a pony, meeting new friends for instance.
I'm excited about my trip. I can't wait to meet Art. I am anxious to see my dear college friend as well. However, there is the angst over the back situation and there is always the tugging of my heart that comes when I leave my Cynical. I'm also not to keen on all of the networking required at these types of things.
Wish me luck in my travels. My bags are yet to be packed, but I have printed out directions to nearby yarn shops and am hoping to find a good bookstore nearby the hotel.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm a big brave girl. I'm a big brave girl.
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Sunday, October 26, 2008
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oh my! you are a big brave girl. and you know what big brave girls do? THEY TAKE THEIR MEDS!!! even if they don't like to swallow pills!
have fun and take care of your back!!!
buy lots of yarn...especially pink stuff! LOL!
OUCH! You are a big brave girl! Buy some yarn to reward yourself. :)
I hope you have a wonderful, painfree trip & have a fabulous time with Art! I'm pea green with envy!
Have a great trip...buying yarn will help the pain. :)
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