Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sickness, working late and wishing for good mail

I woke up sick this morning, something of a stomach bug I think. I had to go into work, being as I am taking a bunch of time off over the holidays and I had back-to-back-to-back meetings, including one which meant I'd miss an office party and work late. Our front stoop is an ice skating rink and we didn't get one Christmas card today. Excuse me while I whine, wonder whether it's safe to eat dinner and collapse into my own bed.


Anonymous said...

Got your card today...and thank you :)

Hope you feel better soon. Sending you healthy vibes...

Kissed Knitter said...

Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Our office has had a touch of it too! Get better soon!

madretz said...

eek, it's been going around here, too and it's NASTY. hope you're feeling better today and make it through the rest of the week.

emily said...
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