I think what has my Christmas feathers ruffled is that I have so many things I want to do between now and then. I want to make Christmas CDs. I want to make a yo-yo garland. I had hoped to host a personal marathon of Christmas movies. I had planned to get together with more friends. I had lots of things I wanted to do and it is just now hitting me that there just isn't time.
I'm not being ungrateful. We've had a weekend full of holiday events. From work Christmas parties to plays to church cantatas, we've done it all. And our calendar is full of yet more get togethers, parties, plans and intentions. Perhaps that is what I need to concentrate on: the things we can do, can get done and will enjoy.
Just thought I'd share an ornament that survived the Great Tree Fall of 2007 and a little scarf I knitted up for fun. Lumpy, bumpy yarn, all knit.
I'm almost done w/ the shopping, but still need to wrap and ship prezzies. that's what weighing me down right now, shipping. And the annual family calendar that I do, haven't even started and it takes me a good week+ to do almost full time. Somehow though, it all works out every time.
Time is blowing by at the speed of light!!! I would like it to slow down a bit so I can catch my breath and enjoy the holidaze, but that's a lot to ask, huh???
In between, I'm lighting my Christmas lights and burning my pine scented candle and cherishing those minutes!!! : .) Sounds like you are doing the same, even tho' you have so much to do...ho ho ho!!!
You know...if you don't get to the yo-yo garland before Christmas you could always still make it. Christmas pattern yarns will be on sale (if you go that route) and it will be something great to look forward to next year!
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