I wish I could sit down and write you a nice, neat little summary of our weekend, but it was so jam-packed that I am not sure I can do it justice in a succinct manner, so please bear with me.
As mentioned in my previous post, Cynical and I stole away for an entire afternoon. We used this precious time to visit our alma mater and spend some quality time together. As we made not one, but two loops around campus, we were both hit with this overwhelming sentimental desire to return to college in some capacity. I know it wouldn't be the same, but darnit, we loved college and we wanna go back. We wanna live on Spaghettios and Easy Cheese. We love pushing our dirty clothes to the laundry in a shopping cart. We miss messy roomies that lock up their food in their closet. Take us back, please!
I won't bore you with the shopping details, but suffice to say that it wasn't too successful for me. No cool shoes, just a pair of jeans, the new Natalie Merchant compilation and a great Target shirt find. Cynical was content with his khakis. He's always content with his khakis.
We came home and realized that we were much too old for this college craziness and called it a night, snuggling in along with all five of our cats. Yes, they sleep with us. It doesn't make us crazy. It doesn't make us unsanitary. It makes us humane.
On Saturday, my tired feet got out of bed and prepared for another full day of shopping. In a fit of over-preparedness, I packed a snack, water, a jacket and tennis shoes. (I am my grandmother.) And I went to meet up with a long-time friend for a much anticipated girls' day out. We made our way to Evansville and shopped for 10 hours. That's TEN hours. The only thing keeping me awake was that I had my contacts still in. Alas, my shopping bounty was slim and pathetic. My dreams of cool shoes, hip-and-happenin' attire shot down by the size 4 in the dressing room next to me.
I made it home with more jeans, Halloween socks (yes, Halloween socks) and a purse. Size 4 made it home with an entire SUV full of clothes, some from the junior section. UGH.
Sunday, now Sunday was my day to relax. It was my day to clean out the closet, watch TLC and read. What did we do instead: attempted to put new door knobs and locks on our front and back doors. Do you think we learned anything from the door debacle of only a month ago? Apparently our memories are lacking because we spent the afternoon shopping for door knobs, picking out a new front porch light and assembling a new desk chair. I had feared that once we removed the locks and were unable to replace them that I'd be forced to barricade the door with furniture or have to fashion an old fashioned locking mechanism involving a plank (see Little House on the Prairie). Luckily it didn't come to that because I refuse to enter Home Depot again, or at least until next weekend.
Let me provide a summary:
Chair assembled (after putting the arm rests on backwards, removing them and putting them back on): Check! (I give much of the credit to our posse of helpful assistants, furry as they may be. No longer will we fear for our lives and back health each time we sit down to blog.)
Door knobs/locks replaced (After putting the catch on backwards, removing it and putting it back on): Back door completed, front door in progress. The door gods hate us.
Front porch light: Still in box (There had been much discussion about which light to choose and I lost out to practical and black, when I was hoping for cottage-esque.)
Closets: CLEANED, organized by color in my most impressive obsessive/compulsive creation yet. It's truly a work of art.
Reading: Nada, unless instructions on lock assembly count.
Television Watching: Finally settled down at 8 p.m. to watch "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy".
In other news:
Moved the antiqued table from the den into the kitchen in a brilliant move! It provides much needed serving space and a spot for my keys. No longer will I be hunting for them each morning. (Do you really think I am going to keep putting them in the same spot each day? This is good in theory though.)
Cleared out two bags of clothes from my closets and drawers. Discovered two pair of prime jeans, a pair of khakis (Cynical would be so pleased) and admitted that I cannot fit into several items. (Difficult realization, but did free up room for new clothes that will actually fit.)
Now begins a crazy week of work. An even crazier week of trying to get our house in shape and an insane goal of getting it all done by myself. Wish me luck. Better yet, pray that my key actually opens the back door!
The photo above is of a bronze statue of Henry Hardin Cherry on the campus of Western Kentucky University. I shot this from the car (as it was rainy and cold). During homecoming and Hilloween (our version of Halloween) Henry gets a "make-over." On Friday, however, he was sporting his more conservative attire.
Monday, October 10, 2005
The Spirit Makes The Master
So sayeth
Ragged Around the Edges
Monday, October 10, 2005
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